
The Hatch, Brooklyn Arts Press


The Parachutist, Ethel Press

Partial Veil, Romance Press

$6 local/$8 shipped
Venmo with address to Romance-Press
PayPal with address to

Kola Superdeep Borehole, bateau press

Already It Is Dusk, Brooklyn Arts Press

Already It Is Dusk

Sleigh Ride, Factory Hollow Press

Poetry and Prose Online

8 Poems in Lute & Drum

2 Poems in Court Green

2 Poems in Apartment (Issue #4)

2 Poems in Gulf Coast, here and here

2 Poems in So & So

1 Poem in Past Simple

1 Poem in So & So

Another Poem in So & So

3 Poems in Article

3 Poems in Painted Bride Quarterly

2 Poems in Route 9

1 Poem in Incessant Pipe

1 Poem in Matchbook

“The Nightmarish Dream Logic of Bruno Schulz” in LitHub